Join us as we kick start the celebration of the 2024 International Day of Peace with colorful activities across PARTNER Tier 2 states, implemented with support from WANEP-Nigeria.
Here’s the exciting lineup: {Read More]
WANEP-Nigeria staff have been taking part in an Advocacy and Influencing Workshop, organized by Mercy Corps - Nigeria.
The 2-day workshop aims to enable IPCR staff members to gain a better understanding of what advocacy is and how it can increase PARTNER impact; to provide an opportunity for IPCR staff members to improve their advocacy and influence skills; and also support IPCR to implement advocacy initiatives at national and state levels.
The workshop which started on wednesday, ends thursday September 19, 2024.
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West Africa Network for Peacebuilding Nigeria (WANEP-Nigeria) was established out of necessity to provide an organized platform for collaborative peacebuilding for conflict transformation and development in Nigeria by indigenous Non Governmental Organizations with diverse capacities and interest in human rights, conflict transformation and good governance. its operational framework was designed along the visions of the regional network operating in West Africa, Chad and Cameroun with the ultimate goal of building sustainable peace for growth and development in the region

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Situation Update October 1

SITUATION UPDATE October 1-15, 2024 (1)Download

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Situation Update September 16

SITUATION UPDATE September 16-30, 2024Download

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Weekly Highlight from WANEP-Nigeria


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Meet our Woman Crush for today. She is Dr. Mimidoo Achakpa.
Dr. Achakpa is a women’s rights activist with 27 years of experience in project management and an extensive background in governance, development, gender, humanitarian, and disarmament issues. Dr. Achakpa has significantly contributed to development, disarmament, and humanitarian issues, especially empowering and amplifying the voices of women.
She advocates for the betterment of vulnerable groups in society, especially women, youth, children, and people living with disabilities. Dr. Achakpa understands the impact of crises on women and girls, which differ from those on men and boys due to their different statuses and roles in society. She recognizes the need to amplify the voices of women and empower them at all levels, especially given their under-representation in decision-making and low levels of participation and influence in democratic, disarmament, and humanitarian actions.
She is currently the Executive Director of the Women’s Right to Education Programme (WREP), an NGO with United Nations Consultative Status of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). Dr. Achakpa coordinates and belongs to various platforms in Nigeria and globally, which she uses to consult and engage with other civil society organizations to improve her work. She was the Steering Committee Chairperson of Accelerating Localization Through Partnerships (ALTP) and sits on the Global Steering Group (GSG), which aims at strengthening local, national, and international leadership on humanitarian response.
Additionally, she is part of the Global Gender Reference Group (GRG) of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) and currently serves as the Secretary of the National Localization Working Group in Nigeria.
Dr. Achakpa is a member of the International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA), the Control Arms Coalition, the International Network on Explosive Weapons (INEW), International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons and the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots. She coordinates the IANSA Women Network – Nigeria, which has been working to stop the proliferation and misuse of arms since 2005, including building the capacity of women on alternative dispute resolution and conflict resolution strategies through advocacy and training workshops to reduce violence against women. She is also a member of the Network for Empowered Aid Response (NEAR), the Gender and Disaster Network (GDNET), and the Global Network on Disaster Reduction (GNDR).
Currently, Dr. Achakpa chairs the Africa Humanitarian Organisations Network (AHON), which aims at strengthening local, national, and international leadership on humanitarian response. She is the National Coordinator of the Women in Humanitarian Response in Nigeria Initiative Network (WIHRININ), a network of more than 100 women-led civil society organizations working in humanitarian action across Nigeria. Additionally, she coordinates the Women Led Organizations on Disaster Risk Reduction/Climate Change and is part of the Steering Committee of the Feminist Humanitarian Network (FHN).
Dr. Achakpa holds a Master of Science degree in Security and Strategic Studies and a PhD in the same field.

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A Nigeria characterized by just and peaceful coexistence among communities where dignity of the human person is paramount and where the people can meet their basic human needs and decide their own direction.

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A Nigeria characterized by just and peaceful coexistence among communities where dignity of the human person is paramount and where the people can meet their basic human needs and decide their own direction.

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