This Training organized by Africa Facility to Support Inclusive Transitions (AFSIT), in partnership with WANEP, the AU’s Economic, Social, and Cultural Council (ECOSOCC) and the East African Civil Society Network (ECONet), aims to enhance the capacities of CSOs in effectively applying early warning and response
systems to monitor, assess and manage risks associated with political transitions.
West Africa Network for Peacebuilding Nigeria (WANEP-Nigeria) was established out of necessity to provide an organized platform for collaborative peacebuilding for conflict transformation and development in Nigeria by indigenous Non Governmental Organizations with diverse capacities and interest in human rights, conflict transformation and good governance. its operational framework was designed along the visions of the regional network operating in West Africa, Chad and Cameroun with the ultimate goal of building sustainable peace for growth and development in the region
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A Nigeria characterized by just and peaceful coexistence among communities where dignity of the human person is paramount and where the people can meet their basic human needs and decide their own direction.
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A Nigeria characterized by just and peaceful coexistence among communities where dignity of the human person is paramount and where the people can meet their basic human needs and decide their own direction.