Strengthening Local And State Level Peace Architectures For Peacebuilding and Prevention in Katsina State of North West Nigeria Project” with funding from the Secretary General’s Peacebuilding Fund (PBF) Project focuses on reinforcing non-military responses to conflict and insecurity by enhancing the resilience of communities by prioritizing increased access to sustainable livelihood opportunities.
The project, is funded by UNDP in collaboration with WANEP-Nigeria.
Ongoing: Community Livelihood Prioritization Project launch in Katsina State.
While giving her goodwill speech, WANEP-Nigeria's NNC Chief Dr. Bridget Osakwe reiterated WANEP’s commitment to transformative impact, uplifting communities and fostering sustainable development.
Katsina state Government, while appreciating WANEP and UNDP assured of the state's commitment to ensuring that the livelihood items are distributed to beneficiaries and their communities.

We are excited to inform you that WANEP-Nigeria will be launching the Community Livelihood Project geared towards promoting sustainable peace in Katsina State on Thursday, July 11.
With funding from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), this comprehensive initiative ‘Strengthening Community Livelihoods for Peace’ aims to address key areas such as agriculture, peacebuilding, and gender inclusion.
Our National Network Coordinator, Chief Dr. Bridget Osakwe will give the keynote address at the launch.

Today, we once again were honored to receive our colleagues from USAID in our Abuja office who took out time to visit us on the routine monthly Meet and Greet.
Poojitha Tanjori, the USAID Payne Diplomatic Fellow with Peace and Democratic Governance, who was visiting our office for the first time got a guided tour of the office by the PARTNER Deputy Chief of Party at WANEP-Nigeria, Ms Osariemen Amas-Edor, while Aisha Shehu and Muktari Shittu, the other USAID Colleagues also joined in
We are excited to share the good news of the induction of our National Network Coordinator, Chief Dr. Bridget Osakwe on Saturday July 6, 2024, as a Fellow of the Society for Peace Studies and Practice.
In the same vein, WANEP was recognised for its institutional support to the Society at its 18th Annual General Assembly held in collaboration with the Nigeria Defence Academy, Kaduna July 1 to 5, 2024
WhatsApp Image 2022-10-31 at 6.00.17 PM
A 3-day training workshop on conflict prevention, violence, extremism, crisis management, and peacebuilding in Abuja
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West Africa Network for Peacebuilding Nigeria (WANEP-Nigeria) was established out of necessity to
provide an organized platform for collaborative peacebuilding for conflict transformation and
development in Nigeria by indigenous Non Governmental Organizations with diverse capacities
and interest in human rights, conflict transformation and good governance. its operational framework was designed along the visions of the regional network operating in West Africa, Chad and Cameroun with the ultimate goal of building sustainable peace for growth and development in the region

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A Nigeria characterized by just and peaceful coexistence among communities where dignity of the human person is paramount and where the people can meet their basic human needs and decide their own direction.

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