

The West Africa Network for Peacebuilding (WANEP) Nigeria in partnership with the Global Network of Women Peacebuilders (GNWP) with support from Global Affairs Canada held 2- day Localisation Writeshop on UNSCR 1325 and Women, Peace and Security in Gombe State on February 14 – 15, 2022.

The writeshop aimed to enhance participants’ understanding of the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) Resolutions and their relevance to the local context. Also, to review and validate the action plans

16 days of activism 2021 Day 1

BELIEVE SURVIVORS TO END THE CIRCLE OF VIOLENCE: TAKE ACTION  Today November 25, 2021 the 16 days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence begins and will end on December 10,

Monthly Bulletin October 2021

I. INTRODUCTION As of October 2021, 579 incidents were recorded in the Monthly Conflict Census from the WANEP National Early Warning System (NEWS)1 . The incidents (579) recorded in the